Project rollout

California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) proceedings related to this demonstration project
The first step of the project focused on the design and installation of metering equipment on campus. The deployed submeters are first used to collect electrical demand and generation data of the existing system to help inform the creation of a baseline energy profile for the campus. The meters will then be integrated into the future microgrid system to assist in electrical demand monitoring and load shifting. The metering systems has a vital role in determining the project impacts to the grid, utility ratepayers and the environment.
The project team will put together a microgrid model that will model the energy flows and power performance to determine optimal operation of the microgrid and to inform the configuration of communication and control protocols between microgrid components. The model will initially be run with historic utility data but will later be updated with the granular baseline data collected by the metering system.
In this stage of the project, the project team will complete the electrical, mechanical and civil engineering design required to purchase and install the microgrid components. The engineers will create drawings detailing the physical installation requirements for the equipment such as concrete mechanical pads and trenching for cabling. The project team will determine what electrical power interconnection devices are required to integrate the various components of the microgrid system.
Worley, with assistance from the rest of the project team, will create design documents and RFPs to bid out the construction and installation scopes. The project team will facilitate a competitive bidding solicitation to ensure the lowest cost and will procure the equipment required for the microgrid.
The goal of this task is to assess the performance of the installed and operating microgrid system and determine the value of the microgrid -- from economic, resilience and environmental perspectives – to the campus and the local community. The project team will produce a Microgrid Test and Analysis report that will use the data collected during testing of the microgrid to provide a comparison of electrical load profiles before and after integration of the generation, storage and microgrid control assets and analyze the energy and demand savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions achieved by microgrid operation. The project team will also prepare a document that makes a business case for microgrid implementation on a college campus and provides a starting point for other colleges interested in installing a microgrid system on their own campuses.
At three points throughout the project, the project team will assess the benefits of the microgrid project through the completion of a benefits questionnaire. The results of these questionnaires are intended to gather information regarding the projected market penetration and economic development, energy use, energy cost and emission reductions.
One of the main objectives of the microgrid project is to provide a replicable blueprint for similar California campuses. To ensure the project has a substantial impact, the project team will establish and execute a plan to share the knowledge gained and lessons learned. Through a combination of fact sheets, webinars, and conference presentations, the project team will seek to educate sustainability managers, CCA’s and engineers/contractors on the value of advanced microgrid systems.